Home » Returns and Refund Policy
Thank you for shopping at Dailypick3wins. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. Our products can be returned within 30 days of the original purchase of the product.
If you’ve ordered a product from us, please note the following:
To be eligible for a return, the products you’ve ordered must be returned intact, complete in all parts and in their original packaging, having been kept and used only for the time strictly necessary to establish and verify their condition, in accordance with normal diligence, there being no signs of wear and tear or dirt and in compliance with the following conditions:
Please contact us before you send the product:
By phone number: 6492453066, By email: Dailypick3wins@gmail.com, or by visiting this page on our website:
Send the product with its original packing to: 134 Palm circle Leeward Palm Turks and Caicos Island TKCA1ZZ.
Shipping charges incurred in connection with the return of a product are non-refundable. You are responsible for paying the costs of shipping and for the risk of loss of, or damage to the product during shipping, both to and from Dailypick3wins.
Dailypick3wins shall arrange to refund the client for the amount paid, net of consignment charges incurred within 14 (fourteen) days from cancellation date, by transferring the debited amount, via the same payment method used by the client for the initial transaction, unless otherwise indicated.
In any case, the client shall bear all expenses incurred due to said refund. Dailypick3wins may withhold the refund until the returned product is received or until such time as the client can prove that the product has been properly dispatched, whichever is sooner.
If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us: By phone number: 649-245-3066, By email: Dailypick3wins@gmail.com, By visiting this page on our website: http://dailypick3wins.com/